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15 Puzzle number game

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15 Puzzle number game

Post by admin »

15 Puzzle

I made this game while testing the new Express Basic release.
It is now included with the download for each edition.
Slide the numbers to the correct order.

Code: Select all

5 CLS: PRINT "15 Puzzle by Gemino Smothers": PRINT
10 LET size = 16: GOSUB 1000
20 FOR i = 0 TO size - 1: LET nl = nl + 1
30 PRINT @(i),: IF nl = 4 THEN LET nl = 0: PRINT
40 NEXT i
50 PRINT: INPUT "SELECT"; sel: IF sel < 1 OR sel > 15 THEN 50
60 FOR i = 0 TO size - 1: IF sel = @(i) THEN LET sel = i: BREAK i
70 NEXT I: LET moves = moves + 1
80 LET top = sel - 4: LET right = sel + 1
90 LET bottom = sel + 4: LET left = sel - 1
100 IF top >= 0 THEN IF @(top) = 0 THEN LET n = top: GOSUB 2000
110 IF right <= size - 1 THEN IF @(right) = 0 THEN LET n = right: GOSUB 2000
120 IF bottom <= size - 1 THEN IF @(bottom) = 0 THEN LET n = bottom: GOSUB 2000
130 IF left >= 0 THEN IF @(left) = 0 THEN LET n = left: GOSUB 2000
140 LET correct = 0
150 FOR i = 0 TO size - 2
160 IF @(i) = i + 1 THEN LET correct = correct + 1
170 NEXT i
180 IF correct = size - 1 THEN PRINT "You win! Moves: ", moves: INPUT "Enter any number to continue...", sel: GOTO 5
190 IF correct < size - 1 THEN CLS: PRINT "Correct: "; correct; " Moves: "; moves: PRINT: GOTO 20
200 END
1000 FOR i = 0 TO size - 1: LET @(i) = 0: NEXT i
1010 LET t = 0: LET i = 0
1020 IF i = 14 THEN LET n = 120 - t: LET @(i) = n: RETURN
1030 FOR f = 0 TO size - 1
1040 LET n = INT(RND * 15) + 1: LET s = 0
1050 FOR c = 0 TO i - 1
1060 IF n = @(c) THEN LET s = 1: BREAK c
1070 NEXT c
1080 IF s = 0 AND @(i) = 0 THEN LET @(i) = n: LET t = t + n: LET i = i + 1
1090 NEXT f
1100 IF i < size - 1 THEN 1020
2000 LET t = @(sel): LET @(n) = @(sel): LET @(sel) = 0: RETURN
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