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Valentine Card 2024

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Valentine Card 2024

Post by Brian »

Valentine’s Day – 14th February 2024

Valentine’s day this year falls on a Wednesday. This program creates a complete Valentine Card ready to send immediately via email or social media.

Just run the program in Net BASIC, then look underneath the Run button and will see two URL links. One HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and one HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) which is used on older browsers. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is nothing more than the address of a given unique resource on the Web.

Click on one of these two links and you will be presented with the screen that your Valentine Card recipient will see in their web browser. You can now close the Net BASIC window down.

To distribute this Valentine Card you just need to copy the URL at the top of the window which starts with This URL contains 4,466 characters. If required you can shorten this URL by using a free link shortener like tinyurl (link below) which will give you a URL of just 27 characters.

If you are going to send this URL via email and you would like to remain anonymous you can use a free email service like Proton Mail (link below).

Code: Select all

10 PRINT "For your eyes only…"
12 PRINT "I wish I could explain how wonderful and special you are"
14 PRINT "How I could look into your eyes and never get tired of their beauty"
16 PRINT "You are every lovely word I can think of"
18 PRINT "Every time you smile my heart melts"
20 PRINT "I could start a fire with what I feel for you"
22 PRINT "You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about"
24 PRINT "I do not need an exquisite fairy tale just you"
26 PRINT "I know you will be a keeper"
28 PRINT "Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye"
30 PRINT "Love has no parameters and does not end in time"
32 PRINT "But is the gift of paradise a pinch of the sublime"
34 PRINT "You are between a dream and a miracle"
36 PRINT "Je veux te tenir près, t'avoir à mes côtés"
38 PRINT "Avoir mon souffle contre ton oreille"
40 PRINT "Te murmurer les mots que j'ai longtemps voulu dire"
42 PRINT "Pouvoir te donner tout mon amour"
44 PRINT "Thinking of you keeps me awake"
46 PRINT "Dreaming of you keeps me asleep"
48 PRINT "The best and most beautiful things in this world"
50 PRINT "Cannot be seen or even heard"
52 PRINT "But must be felt with the heart"
54 PRINT "You are the one who I want to be with forever"
56 PRINT "You are the one who I adore with all my heart"
58 PRINT "The one who I want to be my VALENTINE"
62 PRINT "<audio controls autoplay preload='auto' title='Titanic Theme' loop><source src='' type='audio/mpeg'></audio>"
64 REM Credit for the accompanying soundtrack belongs to :-
66 PRINT "<div><marquee bgcolor='gold' width='500' height='55' behavior='alternate' scrollamount='15'><h2><b><i>Be my Valentine in 2024</i></b></h2></marquee></div>"
68 PRINT "<svg width = '500' height = '500' style = 'background-color:gold;' viewBox = '0 0 500 500'>"
70 PRINT "<defs><path id ='val' d = 'M250,400 a150,150 0 0,1 0,-300a150,150 0 0,1 0,300Z' transform='rotate(24,250,250)'/></defs>"
72 PRINT "<text fill='#0000ff' font-family='aerial' font-size='24px' font-weight='bold' font-variant='small-caps'><textPath xlink:href='#val' textLength ='942'>YOUR BEAUTY TAKES MY BREATH AWAY💘💐💕</textPath></text>"
74 LET x = 5
76 LET y = 495
78 PRINT "<text x = '"; x; "' y = '"; y; "' font-size = '5' fill = '#ffffff'>LENS 2024</text>"
80 PRINT "<g transform='translate(250 260)'><path transform='translate(-50 -50)' fill='red' d='M92.71,7.27L92.71,7.27c-9.71-9.69-25.46-9.69-35.18,0L50,14.79l-7.54-7.52C32.75-2.42,17-2.42,7.29,7.27v0 c-9.71,9.69-9.71,25.41,0,35.1L50,85l42.71-42.63C102.43,32.68,102.43,16.96,92.71,7.27z'></path>"
82 PRINT "<animateTransform attributeName='transform' type='scale' values='1; 1.5; 1.25; 1.5; 1.5; 1;' dur='1s' repeatCount='indefinite' additive='sum'></animateTransform>"
84 PRINT "</g>"
86 PRINT "</svg>"
88 END
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Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:51 am

Re: Valentine Card 2024

Post by admin »

Hi Brian, I like the examples you've been making. This one is really special.

May I please add your examples on the Net Basic page? They would make a perfect addition to inspire creativity.
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Re: Valentine Card 2024

Post by Brian »

Hello, Gemino.

No problem, you can use my examples on the Net BASIC page. Hopefully they will help inspire more BASIC users to join the forum.
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