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Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year!

Post by Beronica »

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Code: Select all

rem By Bero and Gemino Smothers
rem made for Craft Basic
rem Happy New Year 2023-2024

precision 8

define windowx = 640, windowy = 480
define textx = 250, texty = 280, textw = 150, texth = 20

title "Happy New Year!"
resize 0, 0, windowx, windowy

bgcolor 0, 0, 0
cls graphics
fill on

formid 1
formtext "Happy New Year!"
staticform textx, texty, textw, texth
fgcolor 255, 255, 0



	fgcolor 0, 160, 0
	rect 0, windowy - 80, windowx, windowy - 400

	gosub drawfirework


loop k <> 1


sub drawfirework

	let radius = 8
	let centerx = int(rnd * (windowx - 80)) + 40
	let centery = int(rnd * (windowy - 180)) + 30
	let rocketx = centerx
	let tail = 10

	for rockety = windowy - 80 to centery step -1

		fgcolor tail, tail, tail
		dot rocketx, rockety

		if tail < 255 then

			let tail = tail + 1


	next rockety

	let yellow = 20

	for i = 0 to 5

		let radians = .0174533
		let radian = 0
		let degree = 0
		let cosv = 0
		let sinv = 0
		let plotx = 0
		let ploty = 0

		let index = 0


			gosub plot
			let degree = degree + 45

			fgcolor yellow, yellow, 0
			oval plotx, ploty, 3, 3

			let lastx = plotx
			let lasty = ploty

			button k, 27

		loop degree < 360 and k <> 1

		if k = 1 then

			break i


		let radius = radius + 8
		let yellow = yellow + 40

		fgcolor 0, 160, 0
		rect 0, windowy - 80, windowx, windowy - 400

	next i


sub plot

	let radian = degree * radians
	let plotx = centerx + radius * cos(radian)
	let ploty = centery - radius * sin(radian)


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Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:19 pm

Re: Happy New Year!

Post by Brian »

Hi Beronica,
Thank you for your 2024 wishes. I wish you, Gemino and all the visitors to this forum a Happy New Year filled with success, happiness and prosperity.
This video show’s London's spectacular fireworks display last night on the River Thames as Big Ben strikes midnight.
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Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:19 am

Re: Happy New Year!

Post by Beronica »

Hello, Brian. Thank you for your best wishes. I hope your 2024 is prosperous as well.

Wow, that's an amazing display! I've never seen one like that.
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