This page contains links hand picked by the Lucid Apogee admin.
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Today is: Monday, 02/10/25 - Delayed Express BASIC Update: Update time! This one is later than expected. A server migration set us back. - One Click Network Released: This setup contains a set of GUI client and server applications. The first is called One Click Server and the other is One Click Client. - Bleeding edge update!: The update includes: 1. SPACE$() function as an alias for TAB() to help with portability of BASIC code 2. Bitwise operators BAND, BOR, and BNOT(). XOR was already bitwise 3. HEX$() and OCT$() functions - Awesome Express BASIC update!: These past weeks, many improvements and fixes were made. New features include the commands COLOR and LOCATE. String operations have also been implemented. - Massive Express BASIC update!: We have been working hard for the past few weeks on this update and have made a lot of progress. Here's a few things that have been added or fixed... - Important Update for Express BASIC: After weeks of painful research and debugging, we have finally released the next update. We're still going to remain in alpha version. You never know if and when a new problem may surface. - Express Calculator released: A command line scientific calculator for DOS, Windows, and Linux. Written in C. - Happy Valentine's Day 2024: Thank you Brian for creating this inspirational Valentine's card. Happy Valentine's day 2024 to everyone! - Craft Basic version 1.7.1 released: This is a small update, so I decided this will be v1.7.1 and not v1.8. Did some cleaning up of the examples. Added more examples ported from other languages. - Express BASIC - an interpreter in C: The syntax is very close to Net Basic. Most programs written in Express BASIC will run in QBasic or GWBasic with little modification. -
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